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Department of Sanskrit
Visions, Missions & Objectives

हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम्।
पूषन् तत्त्वमपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये।।

(The entrance to truth is concealed by the brilliant disc. O Pushan , remove that (disc) to me whose duty is truth, to behold). The Department of Sanskrit plans to categories the objectives into four parts, viz. Academic Objectives, Infrastructure Development Objectives, community Service Objectives & Other Objectives.

Academic Objectives

Introducing Service Courses

Organizing National / International workshops / Seminars / Conferences

Sanskrit Literary Association Activities

Research Objectives

Infrastructure Development

Community Services Objectives

Other Objectives

***Knowledge protects culture forever, cultured people share abundantly.***

Department of Sanskrit, Srikrishna College,

Bagula, Nadia, Westbengal, India

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